The history of hot stone healing began many centuries ago in China. Ancient Eastern medicine considered this method one of the most effective in treating various diseases. Healers believed that the effect of heat on active points in the body contributed to a surge of energy and recovery from many ailments.
Many years have passed since those times, but this method of treatment has not lost its relevance. Now this is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. Many clients appreciate the results of the massage and take the course several times a year.
What does stone therapy mean?
Stone therapy is literally stone treatment. The procedure requires heated stones with a smooth surface, which are placed on certain areas of the body. Typically, black volcanic stones are used for massage, which conduct and retain heat well.
The pebbles that are used during the procedure have a special shape. They are round and flat, which ensures the best possible contact between their surface and the skin. Since the stones are polished, they provide a very pleasant tactile sensation.
Stone therapy: advantages and benefits
Hot stone massage mainly affects the internal state of a person. The specialist uses special techniques that help you relax physically and mentally. The warmth of the stones acts on the nerve endings in the body, and thus promotes calm.
Improves blood circulation
During a massage using hot and cold stones, the blood vessels gradually expand and contract. As a result, blood begins to move faster throughout the body, delivering nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body. Therefore, you feel a surge of energy and strength.
Improves lymph flow
Those who face the problem of puffiness in the morning should definitely try this procedure. The results after the full course will pleasantly surprise you.
Reducing muscle spasms
Thanks to the temperature of the stones, they help fight muscle spasms. This is especially true for people who are actively involved in sports and often feel sore.
An overstrained muscle is not capable of productive work, and one of the few methods of relaxing it is stone therapy. The warmth of the stones can heat even very deep muscles and effectively relieve tension.
For weight loss
For those trying to lose weight, stone massage is a great addition to exercise and diet. The procedure boosts metabolism and removes toxins from the body.
When losing weight, few people pay attention to the psychological aspect of the process. Often, people become so focused on healthy eating and exercise that they can’t think about anything else. In order not to bring yourself to such a state, you need to relax thoroughly. In this case, the ideal method is therapy using cold and hot stones.
Against headaches
Hot stone therapy can also help soothe headaches. The heat emanating from the pebble spreads throughout the body, dilates blood vessels, relaxes spasming muscles and allows biologically active fluids to move freely throughout the body. As a result, blood and oxygen flow to the brain and help relieve pain.
Benefits for the skin
is to restore the natural elasticity of the dermis. Warm stones also help remove toxins from the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby evening out skin color.
Stone therapy: methods of performing the procedure
There are several options for performing a massage. The stone therapy technique is selected by a specialist, depending on the client’s expectations and problems. Among the most popular massage methods are:
1. Massage using hot stones to eliminate tension and muscle spasms - heat spreads throughout the body and promotes relaxation.
2. Contrast massage to improve blood circulation - performed using heated and cooled stones, which tone blood vessels and activate the movement of fluids within the body.
3. Cold massage to reduce swelling - helps remove excess fluid and also invigorates the body.
Stone therapy: indications
Stone therapy, the benefits of which are obvious, is recommended for almost every person. The effect of massage on the body stimulates certain processes, normalizes blood flow and removes toxins. This is a great way to relax and rejuvenate, feel a surge of energy and get rid of fatigue.
However, there are a number of indications for the procedure:
• muscle pain after playing sports or other types of exercise;
• chronic fatigue and apathy;
• insomnia and nervous imbalance;
• reduced level of immunity;
• impaired blood circulation;
• decreased muscle tone;
• "Orange peel";
• swelling;
• diseases of the genitourinary system.
To order stone massage services at The Now Beauty Lab beauty salon, you just need to leave a request directly on the website or contact the managers +385 916 133 326.