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Men's skin also needs professional care. If you are concerned about dry skin, roughness, peeling, rashes, sign up for our salon today. 


Modern men are increasingly choosing a healthy lifestyle and quality personal care - and rightly so. Their skin also needs professional cleaning, moisturizing, and deep nourishment. Men's cosmetology today is available to everyone. We invite you to The NOW Beauty Lab for a facial treatment. Our cosmetologists provide a wide range of services for men: different types of cleansing, peeling, enzyme therapy, microcurrent therapy, etc.

Facial cleansing for men

Professional cleaning can eliminate various skin defects: inflammation, redness, rashes, comedones, acne, and oily sheen. To prepare the skin and, in fact, during the cleaning process, the cosmetologist uses high-quality preparations that meet international quality standards.

When cleaning the face of men, it is important to consider such peculiarities:

  • men's skin is 20% denser and thicker compared to women's;

  • a large number of sebaceous glands that produce protective fat;

  • part of the skin has a hairy covering, and frequent shaving can cause irritation of the upper layer;

  • the body produces collagen more slowly, which is why wrinkles appear at an earlier age, and they are more expressive than in women.

Indications for professional skin cleaning for men:

  • age spots resulting from exposure to UV rays, skin diseases, or stress;

  • scars and scars after injuries;

  • enlarged pores, rashes, acne;

  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands.


  • hypersensitivity of the skin to physical effects or drugs that are used during the procedure;

  • the course of the inflammatory process in the body;

  • dermatitis in the acute phase;

  • infections and violation of the integrity of the skin.

The procedure for professional cleansing of the facial skin for men is carried out in absolutely sterile conditions. First, the master thoroughly cleanses the skin from impurities. Next, a pore opener is applied. Now you can start deep cleaning using special tools. After the procedure, the cosmetologist wipes the skin with an antiseptic agent and applies a mask with a calming and regenerating effect.


Facial peeling for men

Peelings can effectively solve problems such as dull skin color, clogged pores, and loss of natural shine. During the procedure, dead cells and any impurities are removed, as a result of which the skin is restored faster, and its healthy radiant appearance returns.

Salon The NOW Beauty Lab invites men to such types of peeling:

  • almond;

  • ferrule;

  • anti-acne;

  • biorevitalizing, etc.

Radiant facial skin without any imperfections is the result of regular visits to a beautician. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of looking young and beautiful, give your skin professional care right now. We are waiting for your call!

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